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The perils of cooking with greenhouse gas.
The BBC has issued a pretty clear-eyed report on food production and climate change, the podcast of which you can download here. The report makes no brief for sustainable ag, but it does cogently question industrial ag’s ability to “feed the world” as climate change saps water tables and population continues to grow.
And Then There Were Nine
Rise in sea level could affect one in 10 people worldwide If you currently live in Colorado, Nebraska, or South Dakota, you can stop reading this story now. But if you are one of the 634 million people worldwide living in a coastal zone, be advised: you may be in deep trouble. New research using […]
Granma Muses
Castro breaks editorial silence to berate U.S. over biofuels policy Say you’re a legendary communist leader sidelined by a secret illness. You’re eager to break your months-long silence with an editorial, and you’re looking for just the right topic. Do you choose … your prognosis? Your island nation’s health? Heck no. If you’re Fidel Castro, […]
Unintended consequences?
According to this article there is a downside to fluorescent light bulbs; they have small quantities of toxic mercury that are hard to remove. Goes to show that sometimes working on one dimension of environmental quality exacerbates another. It's also why I don't like the idea of government mandates in favor of fluorescent bulbs.
More alarmism from scientists: By the end of the century up to two fifths of the land surface of the Earth will have a hotter climate unlike anything that currently exists, according to a study that predicts the effects of global warming on local and regional climates. And in the worst case scenario, the climatic […]
Wrestlemania for the future of the planet
El Hijo del Santo to the rescue!
Someone tell Inhofe that after a worldwide search we've finally found his doppelganger. If the money is right and Don King doesn't want too big a cut, I don't see why we can't put together a pay-per-view event and settle this thing once and for all.
Use Google Maps to simulate rising sea levels anywhere in the world
Somehow this isn't as much light-hearted fun as Sim Earth.
Human impacts, Al Gore, and more
I was fortunate enough last night to hear Tim Flannery -- he of The Weathermakers -- speak here in Toronto to a crowd of businessmen and lawyers. Favorite moment:
Questioner: Mr. Flannery, do you think or wish that Al Gore should run for President?
Flannery: He's already done it, and what's more, he won!Levity aside, Flannery delivered an excellent talk and specifically explained why, exactly, the atmosphere is so much more vulnerable to human disruption than something like the ocean.
I heart David Tilman
Tilman on biofuels in Sunday's Washington Post: eminently readable and reasonable on parsing the differences between good and bad biofuels, drops in ethanol production in Brazil, what renewable really means, and where we should go from here.
The op-ed's based on his December Science study, which was discussed here. Everything he writes makes so much sense. Why can't all scientists be this articulate?