Scientists say climate change is happening and that we’re exacerbating it. Don’t believe me? Check out this beautifully simple pie chart* that illustrates just how rare climate denial in the scientific community is:
That’s right. Only one — ONE — of the 9,137 authors of peer-reviewed climate change articles rejected anthropogenic global warming. Geochemist James Powell did the research on publications from November 2012 and December 2013. (But if a year-long sample isn’t good enough for you, Powell previously examined 21 years of peer-reviewed literature and found that only 24 out of 13,950 articles — or two-tenths of a percent — came out and rejected human-caused climate change.)
The lone dissident, S. V. Avakyan, wrote in Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “The contribution of the greenhouse effect of carbon-containing gases to global warming turns out to be insignificant.” But Coby Beck smacks this idea down in his “How to talk to a climate skeptic” series. Plus, Avakyan clearly admits his bias on the very first page of his article:
The switch of world powers first to decreasing the use of fossil fuel … may lead to economic collapse for Russia …
That’s why you invest in solar, ding-a-ling!
We’ll let Powell have the eloquent last word:
The scientific literature since 1991 contains a mountain of evidence confirming [hu]man-made global warming as true and no convincing evidence that it is false. Global warming denial is a house of cards.
Update: The number of peer-reviewed climate articles on the chart has been updated from 2,258 to 2,259.