This video explains how to make you richer and protect the climate
Author and thinker Peter Barnes gives an elevator pitch for his proposal -- in an actual elevator.
Watch Mark Bittman talk almond milk, hamburgers, and more
We force New York Times food writer Mark Bittman to choose between almond and dairy milk -- plus other hard calls.
Watch dinosaurs defend the Gates Foundation’s farm policy
Some food activists are not happy with the Gates Foundation's programs to help farmers. But why? We boil the issue down in a new video.
Watch Mark Bittman explain the virtues of fast food
Bittman's new cookbook explains, step-by-step, how to cut all the dilly-dallying out of meal-making.
Naomi Klein says climate activists need to get comfortable attacking capitalism
Klein dropped by the Grist office to chat with David Roberts about her new book, "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate."
We tried to eat every part of a salmon, and this is what we ended up with
Exactly how much blood, sweat, and tears go into a first-timer's salmon fileting? Watch our video to find out.
Why push notifications make you dumber, and more wisdom from David Roberts
Here is David Roberts' take on digital addiction, bad habits, and why you're better off staring out the window than staring at your phone.
What to do if you’re hit by a car while riding your bike
Here are five things you should do if you’re ever unlucky enough to be hit. And a shining example of what not to do.
South African kids try to reconcile back-to-the-land with big-city dreams
This beautiful video shows reconnecting with the land isn't strictly an American concept.