Colbert: 'I say the science isn't in on thermodynamics'
The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive Stephen Colbert, bless him, never met an idiotic pronouncement he didn't climb inside and wear like a bear costume. So he had a field day with "the heat index is a liberal conspiracy" and "SpongeBob is indoctrinating children."
Alex Steffen on carbon-free cities [VIDEO]
I hope that everyone will watch this short, excellent presentation on the promise of sustainable cities from Alex Steffen, proprietor of the late, lamented Worldchanging and all-around smart dude.
The Onion reports on puzzling behavior among climate scientists
All of a sudden, these normally gentle creatures are becoming agitated and making noises with their mouths! What is it, guys? Is Timmy stuck in a well?
It's World Population Day! Celebrate by stealing a baby seat & leaving a condom [VIDEO, NSFW]
If you like lewd, crude overpopulation humor, Doug Stanhope is your man.
Feminist icon Gloria Steinem on climate change, population, & deep ecology [VIDEO]
Who knew feminist Gloria Steinem was such a environmentalist? On ABC News, she talks about climate change, population, ecofeminism, and deep ecology.
Right-wingers bash Gore for wanting women to have access to birth control
The right-wing media is all aflutter over Al Gore saying that we should educate girls, keep kids from dying, and make birth control available to women.
Me, talking politics and oil subsidies [VIDEO]
Yesterday, I was on The Alyona Show, a sharp public affairs talk show run, oddly enough, by Russia Today. The topic was the politics around oil subsidies. Here’s the clip: I don’t have a ton to add, but here’s one point I was pondering on the bus this morning. You often hear people (like me!) […]
I hear my mother calling: A new documentary on women and population [VIDEO]
This is not your father’s population documentary. The new film “Mother: Caring Our Way Out of the Population Dilemma” takes a feminist/humanist view as it explores the issue of our exploding numbers. It’s now showing at a handful of film festivals and events. Here’s the trailer: The film features a number of the usual eco-suspects […]
Calling all artists: The climate movement needs you!
See related slideshowThroughout history, artists have joined forces with political movements to battle injustice and demand a better and more beautiful world. Picasso’s “Guernica” captured the horrors of the German bombing of civilians in 1937. “Solidarity Forever,” “We Shall Overcome,” and “Give Peace a Chance” expressed the optimism and power of the labor, civil rights, […]