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  • The Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s HQ is green and gorgeous

    Todd and I arrived early at our first D.C.-area appointment, so we wandered down a path leading out of the parking lot (where our Prius was in a “hybrid only” priority spot) and, to our delight, ended up on a sandy beach along the Chesapeake Bay. Shedding our shoes and any stress we might have […]

  • Methane digesters make dairy good sense

    When Shawn Saylor was in high school, he built a science-fair-sized solar-powered home, complete with tiny solar cells and working lights. (He got an A.) These days, Saylor is a fourth-generation dairy farmer working on an entirely different renewable energy project. The Hillcrest Saylor Dairy Farm in Rockwood, Pennsylvania, produces some 6,000 gallons of milk […]

  • Constructing a green space for green biz

    Driving along I-90/94W out of downtown Chicago, you can see London, France, the old Vassar Swiss Underwear Company building now under construction. A sign adorning the highway-facing façade tells you this will soon be the Green Exchange, a retail and office facility that will house some 100 businesses, all of them environmentally and socially responsible. […]

  • Streamlining the agricultural process in Iowa

    This is a guest post by my travel partner, Todd Dwyer, head blogger for Dell’s, where this post originally appeared. —– I have a shocking piece of news for you. You may want to sit down for this: Agriculture is big business in Iowa. Did I say “big?” Maybe that’s an understatement. Of the […]

  • Raising a glass to sustainability at New Belgium Brewery

    Our visit to New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, began with a bike ride into town for some lunch at a Mexican café. So too began the New Belgium company itself. But it wasn’t Mexican food that founder Jeff Lebesch was after during his bicycle tour through Belgium. From the seat of that two-wheeler, […]

  • Finding out what’s important at the Rocky Mountain Institute

    This is a guest post by my travel partner, Todd Dwyer, head blogger for Dell’s, where this post originally appeared. —– OK, so maybe that isn’t an accurate account of what Sarah and I did during our visit at the Rocky Mountain Institute, but believe it or not, it still applies to what we […]

  • Colbert parodies Big Oil greenwashing

    Last night, The Colbert Report marked the expiration of the moratorium on offshore drilling with this brilliant parody of Big Oil greenwashing. “A lot of people talk about loving the earth. But how many of them actually penetrate it?” asked Colbert. Watch the Colbert sketch: Now compare it to a real ad from Chevron:

  • Letterman rages on global warming

    I am (slightly) less pessimistic than David Letterman. If, however, it is indeed “too late” as he says, then he has certainly nailed the reason: “We have had no leadership.” But I’m going to view the glass as one-tenth full and take it as a hopeful sign that somebody relatively mainstream like Letterman would break […]

  • More Couric and Palin, on drilling and climate change

    More excerpts from the Couric interview with Palin, on subjects including drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The trademark borderline-incoherence is in full effect: Here’s the transcript. Here’s the part on climate change, where she tries to back off or at least muddy up her skepticism: Couric: Is it man-made, though in your view? […]