Climate Culture
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On green dating for the low-budget environmentalist
I know, I know. Long time, no Brokeass. Weeks. Months even. See, I got a second job, which has somewhat lessened my brokassity, but also cut back on the amount of time I have to sit around and ponder the subject. But don’t fear. I’m still pretty broke, and cheap by nature, so as often […]
Antarctica gig lined up for Live Earth concerts
Antarctica gig lined up for Live Earth concerts:
OK, so they're not rock stars. But scientists with the British Antarctic Survey will guarantee Al Gore's promise that the Live Earth concerts on July 7 will be performed on all 7 continents.
They'll be performing during the dead of winter at the Rothera Research Station. In fact, it'll be the first time anyone outside the station has heard the indie rock-folk band, Nunatak, play at all. (Nunatak, by the way, is a Greenlandic word that means an exposed summit of a ridge mountain or peak within an ice field or glacier.) -
Compressed air, not hot air
In contrast to the hot air coming out of Washington and Detroit, India is opting for compressed air. Deets here.
I’m baaaack …
I’m writing this post while sitting at the Grist booth at Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Manchester, Tenn. If you’re here, come say hi — and explain why you’re reading Gristmill instead of listening to some of the amazing music out here. It seems like it was just a year ago that I was […]
Berries, brewpubs, and a blitz torte recipe
I am traveling on the West Coast, and have been diligently eating my way southward. I’ve been to Victoria, B.C., for a conference on agriculture and sustainability; to Sooke Harbour, B.C., where I visited Sooke Harbor House and took a tour of their organic garden and on-site water reclamation plant; and to Vancouver, B.C., where […]
Oceana board member featured as quiz show category
Answer: He once played the role of a former Red Sox pitcher-turned bartender, now he plays the part of ocean crusader as a member of Oceana's Board of Directors.
Who is Ted Danson?
The actor, who's advocated for ocean conservation for nearly 20 years, has appeared in everything from Saving Private Ryan to HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm." Most recently he appeared as one of the categories on the television quiz show Jeopardy!
Acting and advocacy -- that's what we call a true daily double.
Dumb and not so dumb questions answered
Well, here's some more footage of my new bike. I couldn't think of a better way to convey its ability to accelerate uphill than to just do it with normal bikes in the background for comparison. Note the dearth of spandex. Is this fad about to go the way of the powdered wig?
The following are some answers to frequently asked questions:
We Always Knew They’d Turn to Communism
U.K. green-computing task force recommends centralizing data A newly formed United Kingdom task force will work to reduce the energy-sucking impacts of computing equipment, which some say pumps as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere there as the airline industry. The public-private partnership, called “Green Shift,” will study how to make PCs and their related […]
Not together
First and foremost: If you have Windows Media Player, check out this PSA from basketball hottie Steve Nash. “When the Suns get hot, that’s good. But when the earth gets hot, that’s bad.” Swoon! Second and, uh, secondmost, there’s stuff out there about Beijing 2008 and London 2012. But there will be stories about the […]
From Splits to Stamps
Enthusiasm officially curbed We knew global warming was a partisan issue. But tearing a marriage apart? Now that’s an inconvenient truth. Photo: Alex Berliner Kilimanjaro softly Mount Kilimanjaro, the Everglades, the Great Barrier Reef, and other treasured vacay spots are being threatened by over-tourism. Quick, go forth and spew massive amounts of CO2 to see […]