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  • He Covers the Hotter Front

    Schwarzenegger says sexy greens are successful — and he should know In a speech at Georgetown University yesterday, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said environmentalists need to get hip and sexy to counter their image as “prohibitionists at a fraternity party.” Brandishing a batch of recent green-themed magazines — some featuring his mug on the cover […]

  • Colorado soccer team first to go carbon neutral

    The sporting news comes fast and furious! Yesterday, big names who are going eco. The day before, jolly green Giants. (And by “yesterday” and “the day before” I don’t mean sporty things actually happened those days — I just mean I got around to writing about them.) But! Timely news, from — doth mine ever-behind-the-times […]

  • Extinction of an outdated industry on the horizon?

    ... you ignorant ass.

    You may have noticed the ads here on Grist from the International Fund for Animal Welfare calling for an end to the Canadian seal harvest. This short, simple, balanced article from MSNBC is a timely rehash of this annual controversy.

    Because sustainability is ostensibly the main goal of environmentalism, it's difficult to criticize the Canadian seal harvest, because it appears to be a classic case of a sustainably harvested natural resource providing poverty reduction for those who live close to that resource.

    Here are the two main reasons the IFAW wants to end the seal harvest: It is cruel and puts the harp seal species at risk.

  • Quit talking about it already

    We’re constantly getting yelled at here at Grist for not discussing population, which according to the yellers is the ultimate problem of all problems, such that addressing any other problem without addressing it first is to demonstrate one’s total subjugation to The Man and False Consciousness. The issue came up in this thread, so I […]

  • Due Deferens

    Separate studies show chemicals, cigarettes may affect male birth rate The percentage of boys born in the U.S. and Japan each year has gradually declined over the last three decades, a new study says — and pollutants are a possible cause. “Male reproductive health is in trouble,” says lead researcher Devra Lee Davis of the […]

  • The biggest factor is still the bottom line

    An influential group of CEOs, senior officers and trustees of institutional investors, asset managers, and corporations called for action (PDF) on climate change back on March 19. It's a good thing the rich and powerful in the U.S. are starting to recognize that action must be taken. But as should be expected, what they call for is the minimum they think they can get away with rather than what is needed.

  • In which Knut gets even cuter

    Vanity Fair‘s second annual “green issue” hits newsstands today (though it arrived last week in “special” cities like New York, L.A., and, apparently, Seattle). And I must say, though its inside contents can’t compete with last year’s edition featuring Grist’s own Chip Giller, it does feature on its cover the equally lovable and (sorry, Chip) […]

  • Billie Jean King builds a green fitness facility

    Thought Calamity James, Bob Burnquist, Hijo del Santo, and Yao Ming were the only big-ish names is green sporting? (Because I know you spend a lot of time pondering the big-ish names is green sporting.) Well, add these to your list: Pioneering tennis phenom Billie Jean King is involved in plans for a green community, […]

  • Funny

    Here is Stephen Colbert discussing the “reduce reuse re-psychos” and interviewing Colin Beavan, whose family is shooting for a year of zero eco-impact. Beavan puts in a plug for Step It Up. Nice work Mr. Beavan! Funny stuff: