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  • Umbra on old clothes

    Dear Umbra, I promise that I searched the archives before emailing you, so hopefully you haven’t already answered this question. I’m wondering about the best way to dispose of old clothes and shoes — the tired, well-loved, and much-worn items that thrift shops really don’t want. I wear my clothes until the bitter end, and […]

  • From Vengeance to Vision

    We’re not saying there’s a god But if there were, do you think He might fell a tree on the lawn of a flawed figurehead? Perhaps flood a few of the iconic institutions run by that person’s cabal? You know … if there were. Heads up It’s almost time for the Running of the Nudes! […]

  • Green Building 101

    Yesterday, Inhabitat started a weekly series for the summer called Green Building 101. The series is focused mainly on LEED-H, the (developing) green standards for homes. It also mentions LEED-ND, the (developing) green standards for neighborhoods, which I'm super jazzed about. The series will walk through the basics of building or renovating a home for maximum eco-friendliness. Should be cool.

    Check out the first installment, about choosing an eco-friendly site.

  • Made to Break reveals the roots of our throwaway culture

    What could be more American than reaching for something new? The U.S. is, after all, a nation founded on the rejection of tradition and a profound belief in invention. This urge has given us more than two centuries of powerful technology, but has also made Americans the world’s most voracious consumers. The propensity to buy, […]

  • Umbra on moving

    Dear Umbra, Is there such a thing as “green movers”? I want to transport furniture from L.A. to Seattle and wonder if any movers use biodiesel vehicles or something like that. Andy Luk Seattle, Wash. Dearest Andy, You know, we’re moving too. What a coincidence! Crate expectations. Photo: iStockphoto. But we’re not moving far — […]

  • Umbra on shower curtains

    Dear Umbra, You have successfully instilled the fear of all things vinyl in me. Now the big question is: with what do I replace my old vinyl shower curtain? We have a cotton one at work, but it clings to your legs like a drowning jellyfish. This, and the constant mold, is something I would […]

  • Dartmouth students ride the future

    If you've been reading Gristmill -- as I'm sure you all have! -- you'll know that I just returned from a trip to cover the Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival in Manchester, Tenn. (And what a long, strange triperoo, it was!) One of the many things I didn't get to mention in my story is that I met these folks while I was there.

  • Or, how I survived my first camping trip

    Find out more about how Bonnaroo is going green.

    It was early afternoon on a Friday when I got the call. I had been wrangling commas and scanning The Superficial the news all morning when Grist kahuna maxima Chip Giller asked me if I would go to the Bonnaroo Arts & Music Festival in Tennessee to cover its efforts to eco-ize.

    This was exactly the kind of break I'd been waiting for. Giller wanted me -- me! -- to travel across the country and file a real story.

    My ego started to swell. Oh yeah, I said to myself. Giller knows that when he needs a real reporter who'll get the job done right, he comes straight to me the staff writer I share an office with. But when that guy can't go, whom does Giller turn to? Ya damn right.

    The boss interrupted my mental cheerleading with a serious question. "Are you sure you're up to the challenge?" he asked. Hellz yeah, I told him.

    After hanging up, I did a quick skills check. Talking to hot, sweaty musician-types about their eco-interests? Check. Hanging out in the beer tent eating funnel cake? I'll take seconds, thanks. Proudly flashing my all-access media pass in front of all the slobbering plebes? As long as it matched my outfit. Navigating airport security and surviving the middle seat on a transcontinental flight? Bring on the li'l bags of peanuts. Camping for four nights in the middle of summer in Tennessee?

    Um, what?

  • From Poop to Pod

    Forest dump If you drop some logs in a national park and no restroom cleaners are around to hear it, does it make a sound? We’ll soon find out, as budget crunches are forcing cutbacks on park luxuries … like clean bathrooms. Said one pooper of a Yosemite restroom, “It looked like nothing had been […]

  • Legendary music fest Bonnaroo urges fans to go green

    Two’s company, 80,000’s a crowd. Photos: Sarah van Schagen.  For most of the year, this 700-acre farm in Manchester, Tenn., provides open, grassy pasture for a herd of cows. But for a short time each summer, the idyllic setting is taken over by a different kind of herd: the tens of thousands of fans who […]