1. Newton’s first law of vandalism

    On a scale of one to WTF, we rate this a solid WTF: Greenpeace activist leaves anti-SUV sticker on random land yacht; random land yacht turns out to belong to B-list movie star Thandie Newton; Newton takes anti-SUV message to heart, buys Prius, writes impassioned letter to fellow celebs urging them to do same. What a crazy world.

    Photo: John Sciulli/WireImage.com

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  2. All is vanity

    Yes, we realize this is the third time, but … have we mentioned our Dear Leader Chip Giller is in a glossy photo spread in the latest issue of Vanity Fair? Of course, Julia Roberts made the cover just for driving a Prius, and Chip, who’s devoted his life to the environment, is stuck on a page with four other people, but we’re not bitter.

    Photo: Mark Seliger exclusively for Vanity Fair.
    Click to expand.

  3. Elementary, my dear Wattson

    Want to get in on the DIY Kyoto movement, but don’t know how? A hip Brit design firm (is there any other kind?) by that very name has an answer: The Wattson‘s digital display gives up-to-the-minute info on your energy consumption, in watts or cost. Sure that readout could be painful, but at least it’s stylin’, yo.

    Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

    Photo: DIY Kyoto.

  4. Trash test dummy

    Frustrated with discovering animal waste (!) and used diapers (!!) in recycling bins, an Arizona city will soon send scrap scofflaws to school — specifically, a trash course for rogue recyclers. “We’re stiffing up on people” (fines, people! fines!), said the city’s sani-head, “but we also want to make sure people are educated.”

  5. G’s up, Tahoes down

    Poor Chevrolet. Some marketing exec got a little too excited about the word “viral.” The company set up a website where anybody can make a commercial for the gas-guzzling, soccer-mom toting Tahoe. The results, while amusing (and apparently like crack for the media), will likely not be appearing soon on a TV near you.

    Photo: GM.