Going to bat for the planet
The home of the Green Monster has a new game plan. Fenway’s stepping up to the plate with a roster of green initiatives, ranging from a fifth-inning recycling stretch to biodegradable beer cups. Throw in an organic ballpark frank and you’ve got a grand slam.
Definition accomplished
Ironic, /ironnik/, adj.: printing the definitions of a number of new green buzzwords on dictionary pages made from virgin old-growth trees.
Photo: iStockphoto
The right stuff
We totally don’t have any New Kids on the Block cassette tapes stuffed in a shoebox under our bed. But if we did, we’d be psyched to find out that they could be repurposed as cases for our iPod nano. Which is completely NKOTB-free, we swear.
Photo: 45ipodcases.com
‘Til green do us part
He’s the yin to her yang. The natural organic peanut butter to her jelly. The rain barrel to her hair dryer. When it comes to greens in love, opposites attract.
Image: iStockphoto
Sticky situation
We’re stuck on the Gumnetic Chewy Pad, a memory-foam-esque seat cushion made from wads of chewing gum. But it kind of bursts our bubble to think of the poor guy who had to scrape the undersides of all those movie-theater seats.
Photo: Anna Bullus