President Obama released the first ad of his reelection campaign, and it’s about clean energy jobs and oil independence — plus, it hits back at a Koch-funded attack ad that fudged the facts. This is unusually green (as in actually mentioning green issues) and unusually brass (as in balls)! Let’s hope it keeps up.

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As usual with political ads for some reason, this one is mostly sentence fragments, so it’s hard to know how to punctuate. But here’s our best attempt at a transcript:

Secretive oil billionaires attacking President Obama with ads fact-checkers say are not tethered to the facts, while independent watchdogs call this president’s record on ethics “unprecedented.” And America’s clean energy industry: 2.7 million jobs and expanding rapidly. For the first time in 13 years, our dependence on foreign oil is below 50 percent. President Obama kept his promise to toughen ethics rules and strengthen America’s economy.