Climate Energy
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Dems go after $122 billion in oil subsidies
The supercommittee that's supposed to be killing the country's deficit asked the rest of Congress to submit ideas for places to cut. Thirty-five members of Congress submitted a motion that would do away with oil subsidies worth $122 billion.
Solar power’s 'nasty little secret' isn’t nasty or secret
A solar insider reveals that "solar panels don't work well." But this ill-timed and inaccurate charge could be just a ploy to boost his own business.
A positive energy vision for the future, from Amory Lovins
For inspiration on the energy front, RMI's new project, Reinventing Fire, offers an ambitiously positive plan for energy independence.
Are we in a solar trade war with China?
Concerns about China's support of domestic solar companies have been brewing for years. But they have finally come to a boiling point -- and it's causing some in the solar industry to feel burned.
Liz Dunn finds silver linings in old buildings
Demolishing neighborhoods is insane, argues urban activist Liz Dunn, when the numbers show that refurbishing existing buildings makes more green sense
TransCanada threatens to seize land for Keystone XL pipeline
The Keystone XL pipeline hasn't even been approved yet, but that hasn't stopped proud papa TransCanada from starting to decorate its room. The company is already suing landowners who refuse to sell, and is threatening to use eminent domain to seize the land.
Change hurts: Influencing our energy behavior is messy business
Want to save the planet? Better not leave it up to the humans.
Crony island: an anatomy of Keystone XL corruption
Is Hillary Clinton too conflicted by lobbyist ties to make a decision on Keystone XL? Take a look at this infographic and decide for yourself.
Land-rights crusader Elouise Cobell dies
Elouise Cobell sued the federal government for losing Indian land royalties -- and won $3.4 billion.
How billions without electricity will benefit from clean energy
In the developing world, "alternative" energy means dangerous, inefficient cooking fires and kerosene. Cheap, clean energy sources could change that.