Climate Energy
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‘All of the above’ is popular, but hides partisan divide on energy
Obama is pushing an "all of the above" energy strategy because that's what Americans want, as a new poll shows. But look deeper and you can see there's a deep partisan divide on energy.
Your new offshore energy source: Floating algae farms
Forget offshore oil drilling. NASA’s working on a project that would generate clean, renewable offshore energy, by growing algae in floating plastic bags. These floating algae farms would take in wastewater from treatment plants. For algae, wastewater is like the nectar of the gods: The ammonia and phosphates act as a fertilizer. So the algae […]
Pew poll: Clean energy still popular among everyone except old conservatives
The oldest, most conservative Americans may get turned off by clean energy, but it still has solid support among the rest of the electorate -- making it a classic wedge issue.
Building codes: Small rules that help homeowners save big on energy
Illinois is poised to adopt the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code. New building codes can make a big dent in carbon emissions, and save residents money.
Shale shocked: USGS links ‘remarkable increase’ in earthquakes to fracking
Federal scientists connect unprecedented numbers of earthquakes in the heartland with hydraulic fracturing operations.
Introducing Ethical Electric: A new utility that lets people choose clean power
Ethical Electric will provide 100 percent renewable electricity to its members, while also mobilizing them on progressive energy and climate action.
Energy for the next 20 years: my panel at the New York Academy of Sciences
Back in January, I was the moderator for a panel at the New York Academy of Sciences called “Energy for the Next 20 Years: Protecting the Environment and Meeting Our Demands.” It featured: Stewart Brand (Long Now Foundation) Joe Fargione (The Nature Conservancy) Jesse Jenkins (Breakthrough Institute) Arne Jungjohann (Heinrich Boell Foundation) Jeff Opperman (The […]
Clean coal nonsense: New industry ad claims ‘real environmental progress’
The coal industry has rolled out a new ad trying desperately to paint itself as “clean."
Subsidies 101: A guide to corporate handouts, and why we shouldn’t stand for them
Let's call subsidies what they are: freebies for the richest companies in history. Here are five rules of the road that should be applied to the fossil-fuel industry when it comes to subsidies.
Trade in the 20th century electric grid. Don’t trade off local energy
The future of U.S. energy policy is not about trade-offs, but rather a chance to trade in an obsolete paradigm for a local clean energy future.