Climate Energy
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Blown away: Wind power growing faster than other top electricity sources
Electricity generation from coal and nuclear fell in the last few years, while wind power generation skyrocketed. But policies like the production tax credit are still needed to help wind compete.
Obama ad ties Mitt Romney to Big Oil’s gas-price attacks
The Obama campaign is acting as if it is already in a general-election fight, against a Big Oil-Mitt Romney ticket.
Power source of the future: Snails
Sometimes it seems like researchers design experiments specifically to win an Ig Nobel prize. How else do you explain a paper titled "Implanted Biofuel Cell Operating in a Living Snail"?
Anti-coal campaign is ‘the most significant achievement of American environmentalists’ since the 1970s
The Sierra Club's anti-coal campaign has shut down proposals for 166 coal-fired power plants.
How butterflies are teaching scientists about better renewable fuels
What do the latest hydrogen fuel production technology and your tramp stamp have in common? They both take inspiration from butterfly wings.
Mesmerizing wind map is the coolest-looking weather map ever
Data visualization wizards Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg have devised a real-time map of wind speeds in the U.S., and it beats the pants off spiky cold fronts, happy suns, and whatever else they’re putting on weather maps these days. It’s simple, elegant, and crazy hypnotic — watch it together with the lava lamp ocean currents, and […]
The best pro-solar billboard you’ve ever seen
This is going around Facebook today — it’s actually from 2010, made in response to a specific piece of legislation, but the message here is (pardon the pun) evergreen.
Chris Hayes on the absurdity of oil subsidies
Guest hosting for Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes unspools a nice, long segment on the latest failed attempt to remove oil company subsidies. It’s worth watching the whole thing:
More on ramping down baseload power and ramping up storage
Baseload is going the way of VHS. We must shed our aversion to innovation so we can start actually planning for the energy system we want.
Black people get asthma so everybody else can get cheap power
African Americans are more likely than whites to live near coal-fired power plants -- and, not coincidentally, they have a 35 percent higher rate of asthma.