This beautiful interactive chart from U.K. organization Eat Seasonably may not apply precisely to your climate, and it’s pretty British in other ways too — “courgettes” are zucchini, FYI. But I love the concept — a handy calendar showing you what fruits and veg are in season at what times — and I love the idea of having a star vegetable or three for every month.
For parts of the U.S. this will already be a decent approximation (and if you live in one of those, you can download a poster-sized, though non-interactive, version). For the rest of us, maybe we need some localized versions for other parts of the globe?
Update: Oooh, they have some of these already, though not interactive and not free. You can buy “food wheels” showing what’s local and in season for the New York area, the Bay area, and the Upper Midwest.