Get the door — it’s mediocre stoner food, minus the meat! At least, it is if you live in Israel. Domino’s just rolled out a family-sized vegan pizza at its 50 locations in the country, thanks to massive demand on Facebook. (We KNEW Facebook was good for something!)

According to Ecorazzi:

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The vegan pizza comes with a soy-based cheesy topping and veggies. It sells for 69.90 shekels ($19.91) …

Yossi Elbaz, the CEO of the Israeli franchise, said it took six months to develop and taste-test the vegan version. “We’ve notified Domino’s Pizza’s world headquarters and they’re very pleased,” Elbaz said. “They’re waiting to see the results.”

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Will it be any good? It’s Domino’s, so don’t hold your breath. But who cares? It’s vegan!

Before you get too excited, though, NPR’s food blog The Salt reports vegan Domino’s won’t show up in the U.S. anytime soon:

“We’ll be paying attention to [the vegan pizza in Israel], but it’s not something we’re working on here in the U.S.,” Domino’s spokesman Tim McIntyre tells The Salt.

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Well, at least we have Amy’s.