If you’re against GMOs, but you don’t want to have to go through your full spiel every time you get in an argument, good news: You can now just subject your interlocutors to the equivalent of an 8th-grade biology teacher trying to get down verbally with the youth.

You can just picture Mr. McKay as he stands at the front of the room, puts his Chicago Bulls baseball cap on backwards, and tells everyone he has a “special surprise” for the class. Then he crosses his arms over his chest, starts making beatboxing noises, and drops some motherfucking science:

Everybody’s arguing about GMOs

When you change plants’ and animals’ genetic codes

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They do it to add or remove a certain trait

Tomatoes that won’t rot, drought-resistant grains.

Grist thanks its sponsors. Become one.

It gets worse from there, but hey, you do what you gotta do to win the argument. We never said debate was pretty.