Colin Macduff lost a finger in an accident in 2010 and, in the haze of medication, he had a vision of how he’d make up for it: He’d make a prosthetic finger out of bicycle parts.

This was clearly a fever dream brought on by shock and painkillers. And yet, he actually did it. KOMO News reports:

After the accident, Macduff drew on his education, training and love of bikes to make a creative new prosthetic that gives him the dexterity to do whatever he wants, including working in the bike shop in his garage …

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[After his surgery] Macduff emerged from his shop one day with an odd looking contraption made using pieces of a bike’s handlebars. It took him eight hours of cutting, grinding and welding to get the first bio-mechanical finger.

Since then, he’s patented the prosthetic and fits other amputees with them regularly. He is almost certainly looking to raise an army of steampunk bike-human cyborg soldiers, but frankly this is pretty rad so we’re OK with it.