Many zero-energy, efficient green homes look like boxes. Maybe they’re repurposed shipping containers, or maybe they’ve just got those clean, straight lines that zip off into the future and are so popular today. Either way, they’re rarely cozy. But this one, built in Romania, is cozy enough and woodsy enough that we can just see Bilbo Baggins making a spot of tea through its large, high-efficiency, let-the-natural-light-in windows.

Modern, hip Bilbo, obviously. He would wear a scarf and Warby Parkers.

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And look how snug it looks at night:

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Oh, here’s our tea!


And, you know, besides those windows, the house has natural ventilations, thermal energy storage in the floor, LED lighting, rainwater storage, and cellulose insulation. It might be worth moving to Romania just to live here.

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