A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
Greenpeace yesterday called for a global halt to the production of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) — synthetic chemicals that damage...
It’s August, Washington is on vacation, and your faithful columnist has just returned from four blissful days soaking up sweet...
Pres. Clinton today will sign an executive order that aims to triple by 2010 the amount of biomass energy generated...
Nigerian Pres. Olusegun Obasanjo has started to tackle the nation’s severe environmental problems. Last week, he launched a campaign to...
Strict fishing limits along New England’s coast, imposed since 1994, have contributed to rebounds in a dozen species, according to...
The U.S. economy could get a real boost if the nation makes a serious effort to cut carbon-dioxide emissions, according...
A coalition of businesses is fighting a federal plan that could triple logging levels across a large swath of California’s...
A team of British researchers is calling for reform of Europe’s agricultural policies to give birds and wildlife a better...
Vice Pres. Al Gore has accepted more than $80,000 in campaign contributions from employees of fossil fuel companies, according to...