Thumbs up and thumbs downWe’ve rounded up a smattering of reactions to the innovation and energy goals set by Obama in his State of the Union address, which include getting 80 percent of electricity from “clean” sources by 2050 and putting a million electric cars on the road by 2015.

… ambitious

Obama’s energy plan “looks more ambitious, at least for the electricity sector, than the climate bills that failed last year.”

Michael Levi, Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations

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… strong … but flawed by a misconception

“While the Sierra Club is firmly opposed to the misconception that coal or nuclear power can ever be clean, we want to use this moment to focus on the strong message the President sent about true clean energy sources and how these innovations will lead to new prosperity and good jobs.”

Michael Brune, Executive Director, Sierra Club

… bipartisan

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“Adding nuclear, carbon-capture coal, and natural gas to a clean electricity standard brings a far more diverse regional and ideological group to the table, and is probably the surest path right now to bipartisan support for policies that cut emissions.”

Paul Bledsoe, National Commission of Energy Policy, Bipartisan Policy Center

… pleasing … but we need more, please!

“We are pleased to see the possibility of the first predictable long-term federal policy toward renewable energy. … Renewable energy currently suffers from the inability to predict whether incentives will be extended every year or two. It’s time to reorient the tax code to predictable policies that allow energy sources that will never run out, to thrive.”

Denise Bode, CEO, American Wind Energy Association

… rightly focused on economic growth … but still disappointing

“[T]he President’s attention was rightly focused on economic growth. … It is well documented that investments in clean, renewable energy can create millions of American jobs — three times as many jobs as equivalent investments in fossil fuels. …

Nevertheless, I am disappointed that the President did not directly address the climate crisis.”

Maggie L. Fox, President and CEO, Alliance for Climate Protection

… misleading

“[R]equiring more coal, nuclear power, and natural gas production is not leadership and is not innovation. Coal, nuclear power, biofuels, and natural gas are inherently dirty. Telling Americans anything else is just misleading.”

Erich Pica, President, Friends of the Earth

… thrilling

“Clean energy business leaders were thrilled that Obama made clean energy the central focus of his opening theme — capturing the future by investing in American innovation and rebuilding our infrastructure.”

— Ross Macfarlane, Business Partnership Senior Advisor, Climate Solutions