TexasGOPVoteRep. King has his hands out.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has some thoughts about federal relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy.

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From The Huffington Post:

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said on Tuesday that federal aid for people impacted by Hurricane Sandy should be approved only with a specific spending plan in place so funds are not used for “Gucci bags and massage parlors,” like after Hurricane Katrina.

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“I want to get them the resources that are necessary to lift them out of this water and the sand and the ashes and the death that’s over there in the East Coast and especially in the Northeast,” King said during a Tuesday evening debate in Mason City, Iowa.

“But not one big shot to just open up the checkbook, because they spent it on Gucci bags and massage parlors and everything you can think of in addition to what was necessary,” he said later, referring to Hurricane Katrina.

“They spent it.” “They.” Read into that what you will.

King’s opponent in his contested race next week, Christie Vilsack (D), called King’s comments “heartless.”

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In case you were wondering, in 2011 Iowa received $1.3 billion in farm subsidies, every single penny of which went toward growing healthy, nutritious food for Americans to eat. Were they less scrupulous, those farmers could buy 650,000 Gucci handbags.