The votes are still being counted to determine if Missouri went red or blue. But what’s not in dispute is that the state clearly voted green. Proposition C, a ballot initiative to establish a renewable portfolio standard for the state, passed with a resounding 67 percent margin.

A coalition of groups worked together to pass the proposition. But that the measure was on the ballot at all was largely due to the effort of PJ Wilson, a talented and determined guy who was impatient about the pace of change in Missouri and decided to do something about it. And then did it. The story of how he built a major new renewables program from scratch is an instructive one, and I hope he takes the time to write it up.

In the meantime, PJ and his new organization, Renew Missouri, have their work cut out for them implementing the new RPS. As we say around the office, passing a new program marks the beginning of your effort, not the end. There’s a long way to go from a passed bill to steel in the ground.