The White House website made an apparently smooth transition from George W. Bush to Barack Obama today, and energy and environment get a starring role on the new administration’s homepage.

There’s nothing really new here; the details of the new president’s environment and energy agenda were announced long ago. But it’s good to see these issues taking center stage on day one of the Obama administration. Lest anyone doubt the significance of the change, Obama’s agenda declares: “The energy challenges our country faces are severe and have gone unaddressed for far too long. Our addiction to foreign oil doesn’t just undermine our national security and wreak havoc on our environment — it cripples our economy and strains the budgets of working families all across America. President Obama and Vice President Biden have a comprehensive plan to invest in alternative and renewable energy, end our addiction to foreign oil, address the global climate crisis and create millions of new jobs.”

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Also included is the White House’s intent to “Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050” and “Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.”

Finally, it appears blogging has finally made its way to 1600 Pennsylvania. The White House site now includes: