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Corporations tried to blame you for the plastic crisis. Now states are turning the tables.
As recycling heads to the dump, Maine and Oregon have a new strategy: Make companies pay.
Matthew Tejada is keeping the EPA’s eyes on environmental justice
“You need all the parties at the table, but that table is always centered on the community need.”
Ida’s aftermath shows the risks of petrochemical production in a hurricane zone
A Shell refinery in the heart of “Cancer Alley” has been polluting excessively since the storm passed.
EPA might water down its cleanup standards for Seattle’s only river
A proposal from the agency has raised environmental justice concerns among residents of the Duwamish Valley.
Leaded gasoline is finally gone – but its toxic legacy lingers
"The lead is still there in the soil.”
No matter the fire risk, California insurance companies can’t cancel your policy
State officials have banned companies from revoking renewals of policies in high fire risk areas.
The EPA may finally reckon with aviation’s dirty secret
"It’s unconscionable to think about the hundreds of thousands of children that have been exposed to lead over all of these years from airport activity."
Biden promised to phase out drilling on public lands. How’s that going?
The administration agreed to start selling oil and gas leases again, but may do things a little differently.
Report: Oil companies are burning off natural gas — and leaving regulators in the dark
A new analysis is the first to identify what could constitute widespread illegal flaring in Texas oil fields.
Congress is finally starting to do something about toxic PFAS chemicals
The move follows consumption advisories for the "forever chemicals" in several states.