Climate Science
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Nonprofit teaches you how to save endangered species, then gives you a tattoo of one
Tatzoo holds training bootcamps where you work to save an endangered species. At the end of the program, you're rewarded with a tattoo.
Cherry bomb: A year with less pie
Things are not looking good in the nation's sour cherry capital after a series of freezes followed some unseasonably warm spring weather.
Elephants hold vigil for human friend
In case you needed another reason to care about wildlife, here's one: If you devote your life to elephants, they might come to your funeral.
Please enjoy this disco lobster
The lobster is having its day in high fashion — Anna Wintour wore one to the Met Ball — and apparently the little sea bugs are letting it go to their heads (if that is strictly a “head”). This one was apprehended off the coast of Maine (where else?), just prancing around being all orange […]
How to save wolves: Take photos where they look like crazy mutants
Those clever ecologists at the U.S. Geological Survey have found a way to obtain information about wolves that doesn’t involve trapping them, collaring them, or shooting them with weird injections — and bonus, it makes them look like X-MAN SUPERWOLVES. Instead of messing with the animals directly, researchers are just snapping pics with infrared cameras, […]
Feed a hummingbird from your face
How many ways do I love this face-mounted hummingbird feeder? It looks like an off-brand Iron Man costume! It lets hummingbirds drink from the bridge of your nose! It’s called :–2<:, which is pronounced “Eye to Eye” but is really a pictogram of a long-nosed human and a beaky bird facing off! This video about […]
Baby bear conga line is the best thing you’ll see all day
The info below this video on YouTube kinda sums it up: “A group of baby bears stand behind each other and lick each other’s heads.” How can that NOT be the most amazing video you’ll watch today?
Climate change could help untreatable viral disease spread in New York City
Climate change could help bring a viral disease called chikungunya to New York City. And if you live there, you miiiight want to get a little freaked out about this, because as LiveScience reports, chikungunya makes swine flu look like piglet sniffles. Chikungunya causes severe joint pain, fever, rash and other symptoms that can last […]
Dinosaur farts caused early global warming
More than a quarter of the world’s human-related methane emissions come from livestock burps and farts, which is bad enough — but imagine what the climate would look like if cows weighed 25 tons. Back in dinosaur days, we had some seriously outsize herbivores roaming the planet, making some seriously outsize butt music. A team […]
‘Hug the monster’: Downplaying the climate threat won’t work as a survival strategy
When it comes to climate change, we should take a cue from Air Force trainers and "hug the monster": embrace our fear and turn its energy into action.