Photo by the New England Aquarium.
The lobster is having its day in high fashion — Anna Wintour wore one to the Met Ball — and apparently the little sea bugs are letting it go to their heads (if that is strictly a “head”). This one was apprehended off the coast of Maine (where else?), just prancing around being all orange and Jackson Pollock-y and incredibly, incredibly rare.
Aquarium spokesman Tony Lacasse says calico lobsters are quite rare.
The Maine-based Lobster Conservancy says perhaps one lobster in 1 million is blue, while both the orange and calico versions might be as rare as 1 in 30 million.
The fancy camo lobster is now walking the runway at the New England Aquarium, presumably so nobody will try to serve him with bejeweled corn as part of a very rare meal that’s suitable for framing.