Climate Science
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Urban carnivores have higher survival rates than their country cousins
I heard this weekend that there’s at least one coyote living permanently in Central Park. Everyone’s heard a story like that recently — bears, coyotes, and other carnivores stalking through city streets and parks, right where we’d least expect them. But according to a new study, certain carnivores — raccoons and coyotes — do better […]
Rising tide: Norfolk, Va., struggles on the front lines of sea-level rise [VIDEO]
A city on the front lines of sea-level rise wonders how long it can keep the Atlantic Ocean at bay.
Mosquitoes fingered for killer whale deaths at SeaWorld
It’s hard to imagine a teensy mosquito taking down an animal as mighty as the killer whale. Yet that’s exactly what some folks suspect happened at two SeaWorld locations. Representatives from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) say that orcas that died at SeaWorld parks in Orlando and San Antonio succumbed to encephalitis, a virus transmitted […]
This crazy bill could eliminate Arizona’s ability to do any environmental work
The Arizona House is about to vote on a totally insane bill that could prevent that state from doing even the tiniest smidgen of environmentally friendly work. Solar and wind projects that used a dollar of government funding would be made illegal. State universities could have to stop all sustainability-related research. State buildings wouldn’t even […]
Will climate change kill off Washington state’s oysters?
After years of speculation and research on the impact of the increasingly acidic seawater in the Pacific Northwest, some farms have actually begun to lose oysters. Can the state of Washington adapt quickly enough to save them?
Obama gears up for a campaign climate fight
In a Rolling Stone interview, President Obama made some remarkable statements about climate as a campaign issue and the millions pouring into anti-science disinformation campaigns.
Adorable alert: Live BABY PANDA cam!
What’s black and white and so cute you’ll want to squeal like a Bieber-obsessed tween? A baby panda. And now you can see one any time you want. [vodpod id=Video.16424326&w=425&h=350&fv=]
James Lovelock urges world to pay attention to James Lovelock
James Lovelock, famous for the Gaia hypothesis, has in recent years been warning that climate change will send us back to the Stone Age. Now he says he was being overly alarmist. Can we all agree to ignore him now?
Watch two guys remove a honeybee swarm with their bare hands
Town and Country Pest Control is a father-son business in upstate New York that takes a holy-shit approach to its work. For instance, in the video below, they remove a bee colony with their bare hands and a box: But as any bee-savvy keeper will tell you, this isn’t as crazy as it looks. Swarms […]
Watch the climate conversation run aground
There was a spirited debate on climate change in the Iowa legislature recently. The way the debate unfolded is quite revealing.