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Stand by for baby eagles on webcam!
[vodpod id=Video.16100351&w=425&h=350&fv=] Hey, remember the Decorah Eagle Cam? If you don’t, you probably never saw a baby eagle hatch on live streaming video, you poor fool. But now you have another chance! The mom eagle at the Decorah, Iowa fish hatchery is … pregnant? Do birds get “pregnant”? Anyway, let’s say she has a frittata […]
Unbroken homes: Five creative reuses for foreclosed houses
In the wake of the mortgage crisis, hundreds of thousands of homes the in U.S. now stand vacant. What do we do with these moldering houses?
Climate analysts are from Mars, climate activists are from Venus … but they both live on Earth
With the Keystone XL pipeline back in the news, David Roberts tackles the tensions between climate analysts and climate advocates -- and finds they're better off working together.
No free rides: States consider taxing electric cars
Electric vehicles are making inroads, but since they don’t require gas, they don’t pay for the roads they ride on. Now states are talking seriously about taxing them, and that’s got some drivers all charged up.
Here is a shark swallowing another shark
Researchers from the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies took this picture of a shark eating another shark near the Great Barrier Reef. Nature is crazy!
OMG tiny chameleon
I’m not usually a sucker for reptiles and amphibians the way I am for, say, sloths — but when they’re the world’s tiniest, who can resist? First we had this ickle mini frogling, and now there’s a wee precious chameleonette.
Crazy talk: Rick Santorum out-denies the climate deniers and spins eco-conspiracy theories
Rick Santorum is way crazy when it comes to environmental issues -- so crazy he makes Newt Gingrich's moon-colony plans sound plausible, and Mitt Romney's climate flip-floppery look presidential.
Did fracking turn this squirrel purple?
One of the explanations being floated for the purple squirrel recently captured in Pennsylvania: An organobromide overdose caused by fracking. Yeah, it sounds a little far-fetched, but doesn’t it sound more interesting than “it fell in a port-a-potty”?
How ancient humans killed off Africa’s rainforests
It turns out humans radically accelerated the loss of Africa’s forests 3,000 years ago.
Happy Valentine’s Day, here’s a sheep and a deer getting married
Oh look, it's Rick Santorum's worst nightmare. Changmao the ram and Chunzi the doe are engaging in some sheep-on-deer marriage at China's Yunnan Provincial Wildlife Park today.