A nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to telling stories of climate solutions and a just future.
"Sustainability is an empty word if you don't respect and implement Indigenous rights here in our homelands."
Farmers and fisherfolk across the world are shifting into nighttime work to escape perilous heat.
The city estimates that its wildly popular subsidies are helping to eliminate 170,000 vehicle miles traveled per week.
When it comes to issues like supply-chain traceability, companies like ADM are pioneering a holistic approach to business practices.
Middletown, Ohio received funding through the Inflation Reduction Act to build one of the largest hydrogen fuel furnaces in the world.
Australians delivered a strong mandate for climate action last weekend as they voted overwhelmingly for the center-left Labor Party, the Green Party, and pro-climate “teal” independent candidates.
The hyperealistic drama reminds us that things aren’t always so rosy for people on the front lines of clean energy development.
Solar arrays offer cost savings and educational opportunities.
At the UN biodiversity conference, Indigenous leaders fight to be included in 30x30 talks.