Food Studies
In This Series
Food Studies: culinary school culture shock
A Singaporean culinary student discovers farm-to-table on a school trip to California.
Food Studies: spaghetti and breadcrumbs, on demand
Trying to recreate my grandmother's signature dish has led me to appreciate processed food's reliable consistency.
Food Studies: the honeybee and the tweezers
For agriculture studies student Ben, a summer spent in greenhouses manually pollinating tomato plants is the perfect preparation for studying honey-bee physiology this fall.
Food Studies: Q: How to make a real-world job out of your love for food?
A: Heavy-duty statistics, business writing practice, and a killer packed lunch.
Food Studies: What does the history of baking powder have to do with punk rock cooking zines?
Explaining a what a Masters in gastronomy entails is hard enough; don't ask this cupcake-baker-turned-student what she's planning to do with her degree.
Food Studies: biting off more than he can chew?
After a summer spent cooking, volunteering, and teaching, Josh struggles to choose just one food topic to explore in his senior essay at Yale.
Food Studies: The pen is as mighty as the plow
Meet Claire, who is combining ink-stained fingers with a green thumb at the University of Minnesota.
Food Studies: the edible curriculum
Welcome to Food Studies, where you'll hear from the food makers, growers, thinkers, and advocates of tomorrow.