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In Athens, Wisconsin, the lush green fields surrounding Stoney Acres Farm support a diverse farming operation, including cattle, pigs, wheat, and organic produce. Once a week during the summer, third-generation farmer Tony Schultz hosts a “Pizza on the Farm” night, selling pies made with his tomatoes, basil, vegetables, and pork. Even the pizza crust is made from his homegrown wheat.

Sitting on the roof of the barn as visitors enter the property is a 23kW array of solar panels that power the farm’s operations. While solar originally was low on Schultz’s investment priority list, it became financially feasible once he took advantage of grants from the USDA’s Rural Energy for America, or REAP, program. This federal initiative provides grants and loans for projects like his. REAP funded about 40% of the two solar installations that now provide most of Stoney Acres Farms’ power. 

The panels cut his monthly power bill from $800 to $200 or less per month, Schultz says. He’s surprised solar companies aren’t getting the word out better, but he wants fellow rural busi... Read more

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