New Agtivist: Meg Paska runs Brooklyn’s first urban farm pop-up
This urban homesteader started a seasonal shop where farmers in the city can buy supplies at a decent price, take classes, and ask for advice.
Born to bee wild: How feral pollinators may help prevent colony collapse disorder
Some scientists believe that crossbreeding with wild bees may be key to preserving the domestic honeybee. But will anyone pay attention in time?
30,000 bees found in New Jersey attic
Turns out the honeybee colonies we’ve all been so concerned about didn’t collapse after all — they just moved to New Jersey. Specifically, they went to stay at a former bed and breakfast in Cape May, where 30,000 bees were just taken out of the attic.
Watch two guys remove a honeybee swarm with their bare hands
Town and Country Pest Control is a father-son business in upstate New York that takes a holy-shit approach to its work. For instance, in the video below, they remove a bee colony with their bare hands and a box: But as any bee-savvy keeper will tell you, this isn’t as crazy as it looks. Swarms […]
In Washington, prison inmates raise bees, frogs, and butterflies
When you think “prison,” you don’t usually think “idyllic bower of nature’s most rare and beautiful specimens.” But at the Washington State Department of Corrections, inmates can skip the license-plate making and spend their days cultivating endangered local animals, insects, and plants. Participants in the Sustainable Prisons Project raise Oregon spotted frogs, Taylor’s checkerspot butterflies, […]
More evidence links pesticides to honeybee losses
The science is stacking up. Three studies in the last three weeks have shown that exposure to a dangerous class of pesticides disorients and kills bees, reduces their hive sizes, and results in far fewer queens.
Critical List: Pesticides are killing bees; North Sea gas leak only sort of dangerous
A look at the news of the day.
Beekeepers to EPA: We’re running out of time
Over a million people have asked the EPA to remove the pesticide linked with honey bee die-offs from the market. Will the agency listen in time?
Make yourself useful: Five food actions in five minutes
We've collected some of the most important things you can do to speak up for a greener food system right now.