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  • Employees* rage against the Coke machine in Copenhagen

    COPENHAGEN — Two Cola-Cola* employees urged people in Copenhagen to never drink the soft drink again, denouncing their company’s environmental and human rights record in a highly unusual press conference* in the Hopenhagen LIVE area in City Hall Square. The public relations* workers from Atlanta* said their consciences compelled them to speak out against the […]

  • From Big Ben to Brussels: Group walks to raise climate awareness

    Here are the stats on our walk from Big Ben to Brussels: 3 countries, 15 days, 250 miles, an estimated 500,000 steps. Me and 4 footsore, fantastic friends. Our final day seemed almost too easy. We woke up with less than 10 miles to go, and had to dawdle along to allow the camera crew […]

  • U.S. takes daft position on agriculture at climate talks

    Things are not looking good on the agriculture front at the Copenhagen climate talks. According to a representative from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, a group dedicated to sustainable agriculture and trade policy, American negotiators are being, um, less than productive: Long, long meeting this afternoon (Dec. 10) on sectoral language for agriculture. […]

  • Yes Men (almost) stage global takeover in Copenhagen

    The Hopenhagen Globe looms above City Hall SquarePhoto: Matthew McDermott vic flickrThe Yes Men, merry climate pranksters, had been oddly quiet of late. Strange, since we are now deep into week one of the Copenhagen climate talks. But the activist group broke its silence today when members posing as reps from the Coca Cola company […]

  • Why should policymakers, investors, and businesspeople care about youth in Copenhagen?

    Of the estimated 20,000 people converging on the U.N. climate conference this week and next, half of them are expected to be under the age of 30. My colleague in Copenhagen, Kristina Haddad, reports, “I observed that many in the crowds of people were young. Most were wearing t-shirts or passing out flyers that essentially […]

  • Climate activists blitz media in Copenhagen

    Ricken Patel, executive director of the international activist group Jonathan HiskesCOPENHAGEN — If I’m delayed in the Copenhagen Bella Center by one more crowd of earnest chanters, or a dude in a funny costume, or the 800 people who feel compelled to stop in the middle of busy hallways to snap pictures of each […]

  • Myth vs. reality on the Copenhagen climate summit

    Co-written by Rebecca Lefton, a Researcher for Progressive Media, and Daniel J. Weiss, a Senior Fellow and Director Climate Strategy at the Center for American Progress. Myth #1: Copenhagen is already a failure. Instead of a binding agreement we’ll end up with a political deal that gets us nowhere. Reality: We are on schedule at […]

  • The Climate Post: Throngs enter Copenhagen’s climate gates

    First Things First: President Obama last week shifted the date he will visit the Copenhagen climate talks from Dec. 9 to Dec. 18, the last and most consequential day. Three days into the 15th U.N.-sponsored Conference of Parties, this otherwise mundane fact carries the most symbolism. Whatever happens, whatever has already been settled or is […]

  • Youth and Indigenous activists rally for vulnerable nations at climate talks

    COPENHAGEN — Echoing the words of Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed (We will not die quietly!) and the African negotiator Ambassador Lumumba, (No to climate colonialism!) hundreds of youth created a loud and energetic “climate storm” today inside the Copenhagen climate talks at the Bella Center. It was the largest demonstration at COP15 yet — and […]