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  • Voters want less government, but more from the FDA

    I’m tired of the government interfering in my life. I want less government. I want smaller government. Oh yeah, and I’d like someone to oversee the use of words like “natural” on processed food labels and limit the amount of sodium in them. That’s the schizophrenic message being sent by the average American, new food-industry […]

  • Ask Umbra dishes with Anna Lappé

    Photo by KalaLeaThe next time you bite into a burger, consider this: Livestock create more greenhouse gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, planes, and other fossil-fueled modes of transportation in the world. In fact, our current food system—from industrial farming to packaging to transporting—contributes as much as one-third of total greenhouse gas emissions. Food’s […]

  • IHOP stacks up to Double Down competition

    Courtesy of IHOPMan, I sure could use a cheesecake sandwich right about now. But instead of bread on either side of the cheesecake, I want pancakes. And then I want to top it with strawberry compote and whipped topping. And because that probably won’t be enough, let’s tack on eggs, hash browns, and bacon on […]

  • Not aging fast enough? Drink a soda!

    American as apple pie. But how bad for us is soda?Hoo boy. The American Beverage Association isn’t going to like this news one bit. Food companies now add significant amounts of phosphates to soda and other processed foods. And now researchers have found evidence that phosphates may accelerate aging (via Science Daily): High phosphate levels […]

  • Ask Umbra on fertility awareness, grilling, and Earth Day pledges

    Send your question to Umbra! Q. Dear Umbra, I’ve been following the discussion of GINKs and birth control on Grist the last week or so. In your most recent post, I thought there was a pretty big type of birth control missing: Fertility Awareness Method (FAM)—which is not to be confused with the “rhythm method” […]

  • Scientists show ‘growing’ fuel is waste of energy

    Burning industrial corn in your gas tank: just as dumb as it looks in this silly picture.It’s no mystery where Grist comes down on the food vs. fuel debate, aka the Great Ethanol Boondoggle. But it’s nice to see the science continuing to support our side of the argument (via Science Daily): Using productive farmland […]

  • Bryant Terry

    Art: Nat Damm Bryant Terry Eco-chef and Food-justice Activist Oakland, Calif. Chef and activist Bryant Terry, 36, works to make our food system just and sustainable, and, in his own words, “illuminate the intersections between poverty, structural racism, and food insecurity.” He’s reminded people of the healthy origins of African-American cuisine in Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, […]

  • Ask Umbra’s Earth Day book giveaway

    Dearest readers, Happy Earth Day! How are you celebrating? Perhaps by tweeting your little heart out about all the hopeful things going on in the environmental movement (don’t forget to add #hopen)? Well, since you’re on there anyway, why not participate in my little book giveaway? That’s right! Free stuff! Woot! I’m giving away two […]

  • Jamie Oliver on parents, nuggets, ‘luminous drinks,’ and school lunches

    “Parents can be the most positive, powerful force in a country or they can be disgusting, backstabbing traitors. When little Johnny comes home and says, ‘I didn’t get my nugget today,’ it’s wrong to say ‘Oh, all right, darling,’ and give him some [expletive] horrible Lunchable and a pack of potato chips and a luminous […]