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  • Researchers: HFCS is much worse than table sugar

    The long-running, contentious debate over the dangers of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may be approaching a conclusive end — one not likely to please those sensitive souls over at the Corn Refiners Association. While there has been extensive evidence that fructose is harmful to human health and associated with metabolic diseases like diabetes and […]

  • ‘The Story of Bottled Water’ and big fun learning about water

    It’s World Water Day, which means there’s no better day to, um, pour yourself a glass of water and, uh, dive into our planet’s dismal water problems. Let’s not kids ourselves: If we’re going to learn about water use, we’re going to need snappy videos with animation and peppy music. There’s just no other way […]

  • If it does matter where CO2 is released, cities are in trouble

    There’s some fascinating new research about “CO2 domes,” invisible clouds of carbon pollution that hover above urban areas. Bradford Plumer at The New Republic does a great job setting the context: Does it matter where carbon dioxide is emitted? From a climate perspective, at least, the standard answer has always been, “Not really.” Carbon dioxide […]

  • Can we stop obesity without taxes?

    Michelle Obama went before the Grocery Manufacturers Association today seeking its support for her “Let’s Move” anti-obesity initiative. The GMA, which counts food companies like Kraft, General Mills, and Coca-Cola among its membership, isn’t necessarily friendly territory for Michelle Obama. But if the standing ovation she received is any indication, Big Food is trying hard […]

  • Obama’s cholesterol beef isn’t with the burgers, but the buns

    (Photo by Vanessa Pike-Russell,  Creative Commons)It must have surprised many that a president as young and vigorous as Barack Obama could be experiencing rising cholesterol, as reported last week. But even more surprising is the misinformation being doled out by the people around him about the likely causes. “Too many burgers,” came the ready explanation. […]

  • EPA stands by as polluters ignore the Clean Water Act

    (iStockphoto)Another entry in the New York Times fantastic “Toxic Waters” series came out on Sunday. This latest one is about the slow but tragically effective weakening of the Clean Water Act: Thousands of the nation’s largest water polluters are outside the Clean Water Act’s reach because the Supreme Court has left uncertain which waterways are […]

  • Study suggests junk food taxes may beat healthy food subsidies

    An interesting new study was just published in Psychological Science, about a lab experiment at SUNY Buffalo that suggests junk-food taxes increase the overall nutritional quality of a shopping trip, while subsidies on healthy foods actually decrease the nutritional quality (via Science Daily). [Study author and clinical psychologist Dr. Leonard] Epstein and colleagues simulated a […]

  • Is there too much ‘Let’s Hope’ in the ‘Let’s Move’ anti-obesity campaign?

    The industry talks a good game, but keeps churning out the same old junk. It’s no mystery that Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move anti-obesity campaign is built on industry cooperation. It’s also true that many experts are skeptical of the wisdom behind it; nutritionist Marion Nestle has been particularly critical both of the government’s food industry […]

  • Could transparency make up for a lack of a carbon cap?

    If we can’t yet require companies to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping pollutants, can we shame them into doing it? The Obama administration and Democratic leaders in Congress have not so far succeeded in forcing big polluters to cut greenhouse-gas emissions.  But the U.S. EPA is about to force them to […]