Oh noes! Did LOL kittehs make teh ultamet pranksterz get teh punkings?
Translation: Oh no! Did the infamous Lolcats from the pop cat-culture website I Can Has Cheezburger punk the ultimate pranksters, The Yes Men?
Not exactly, though that’s what it looked like for a second. Chevron was planning a spendy (and ballsy) new ad campaign centered on “responsibility” and the phrase “We Agree” but prank-with-a-purpose group The Yes Men, along with activist organizations Rainforest Action Network and Amazon Watch, beat them to the punch by spoofing and releasing their own version of the ads right before Chevron’s actual ad launch. As usual, plenty of media outlets fell for it.
Kittehs strykkin aggin!Image: lathemason via The Yes Men
Now that the cat is out of the bag about the prank, The Yes Men are trying to keep the, ahem, energy going around the campaign by calling for “gut-busting remixes of their ads,” like this one above, which looks like a Lolcat got hold of it first. So why Chevron now? See: Texaco/Chevron’s old oil ills in Ecuador.
Check out other winning spoof ads being crowdsourced, such as this, via the The Yes Men on Twitter.
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