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  • Oh what a relief it biz

    The United States Climate Action Partnership, the group of corporations calling "on the federal government to quickly enact strong national legislation to require significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions," just doubled in size (PDF):

    With its new members, USCAP companies now have total revenues of $1.7 trillion, a collective workforce of more than 2 million and operations in all 50 states; they also have a combine market capitalization of more than $1.9 trillion.

    The big news is that General Motors has joined the list:

  • Traded In His Chevy for a Cad Attack

    Speaking in Detroit, Obama tells Big Auto where to go Presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) took his rhetoric to Detroit yesterday, challenging the U.S. auto industry to get with the times. “The need to drastically change our energy policy is no longer a debatable proposition,” he said in a speech to the city’s Economic […]

  • Superfund broke thanks to bankrupt polluters

    The Center for Public Integrity continues with their massive report on the state of Superfund with a new story today on the $700 million tab that bankrupt polluters have skipped out on.

  • Information technology accounts for 2 percent of world’s CO2 emmissions

    Just as Steve Jobs was polishing the final draft of his defense of Apple's environmental programs, computer industry analyst firm Gartner announced to the world its findings about Global IT's carbon footprint. It's not good.

  • Hi, I’m a Defensive Mac

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs says company is green, getting greener Thrilling headline writers everywhere, computer-maker Apple has pledged to go greener. Green Apple! Ha ha hee hee ho ho! In an open letter on the company website, CEO Steve Jobs responded to criticism that the manufacturer has lagged in removing toxics from its products and […]

  • His Soul Goes Marching On

    BP CEO John Browne and U.S. Interior Department official resign In one of the oddest corporate tumbles in recent memory, BP CEO John Browne has resigned over allegations that he lied in court about the origins of his four-year relationship with a male escort. Huh wha? Browne, who spent 41 years rising through the oil […]

  • All abruptly

    John Browne, who’s been head of oil giant BP for 41 years, abruptly resigned yesterday. Browne grew the lackluster company into the second largest oil company in the world; he also was among the first oil executives to proactively acknowledge the danger of climate change and encourage action. The resignation came after Browne lied to […]

  • New report from Apollo Alliance on good green jobs

    The Apollo Alliance and Urban Habitat have a new report out today on the coming green economy and the immense job potential for traditionally excluded groups — low-income, heavily minority urban communities. The report sets out a vision for green jobs in the U.S. and outlines the green industries that already exist in the country, […]

  • Pep Rally

    PepsiCo buys a lotta renewable-energy credits, tops EPA green power list The U.S. EPA released its quarterly list of the top 25 buyers of green power yesterday, with the No. 1 slot filled by a new kid in the renewable-energy biz. That would be PepsiCo, which vaulted to the top of the list by announcing […]

  • A David v. Goliath story

    Here’s a marketing rule of thumb for the modern age: there’s no better advertising for a small company than getting sued by a big company. A little organic plant-food company called TerraCycle (which makes fertilizer out of worm poop) has gotten boatloads of free advertising out of its innovative strategy: rather than creating new bottles […]