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  • New report from Apollo Alliance on good green jobs

    The Apollo Alliance and Urban Habitat have a new report out today on the coming green economy and the immense job potential for traditionally excluded groups — low-income, heavily minority urban communities. The report sets out a vision for green jobs in the U.S. and outlines the green industries that already exist in the country, […]

  • Pep Rally

    PepsiCo buys a lotta renewable-energy credits, tops EPA green power list The U.S. EPA released its quarterly list of the top 25 buyers of green power yesterday, with the No. 1 slot filled by a new kid in the renewable-energy biz. That would be PepsiCo, which vaulted to the top of the list by announcing […]

  • A David v. Goliath story

    Here’s a marketing rule of thumb for the modern age: there’s no better advertising for a small company than getting sued by a big company. A little organic plant-food company called TerraCycle (which makes fertilizer out of worm poop) has gotten boatloads of free advertising out of its innovative strategy: rather than creating new bottles […]

  • Wax on, wax offsets

    Gristmill’s sizable contingent of carbon offset hataz will find the latest from Joel Makower music to their hatin’ ears.

  • Nevada Mined

    Newmont Mining Co. will undergo social-responsibility review It wasn’t enough to be acquitted of pollutey wrongdoing in Indonesia; the world’s largest gold-mining firm is begging for more green cred. This week, 91.6 percent of Newmont Mining Co.’s shareholders approved an independent review of the company’s environmental and social impacts worldwide. Along with the high-profile trial […]

  • The Tyee busts Harper

    I think the hue and cry about "greenwashing" is generally overdone, for reasons I’ve discussed at length elsewhere. But the Tyee has a great story today that looks like a bona fide example of selling a big infrastructure project as "green" when its consequences will be just the opposite. It’s about a proposal by Canadian […]

  • Exxon Mobil hikes spending, big time

    Perhaps fearing the coming crunch of climate and energy legislation, oil giant Exxon Mobil more than doubled their reported lobbying expenditures in 2006 to $14.5 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. This blows their previous year’s total of $7.14 million and next-highest-spender Chevron’s $7.5 million out of the water.

  • How to stop the agribiz giants from impeding the growth of local food.

    In today’s Victual Reality I discussed how a few companies dominate U.S. food production, and how their market girth weighs heavily on efforts to rebuild local-oriented, environmentally and socially responsible food networks. Now I’d like to add a few words on what might be done to remedy the situation. First of all, it’s important to […]

  • At Least the Couch Is Clean

    DuPont, 3M criticized for production of “probable” carcinogen Public furor is simmering over a chemical used in Teflon, Scotchgard, and other miracles of non-stick, stain-resistant living. Protesters picketed DuPont’s annual shareholder meeting in Delaware yesterday, upset over the company’s environmental and labor policies — including its production of PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), a “probable” carcinogen. “I […]

  • Working with the fishing industry, Orri Vigfússon protects North Atlantic salmon

    Orri Vigfússon. Photo: Goldman Environmental Prize. “I have a passion for salmon,” says Orri Vigfússon. “It’s the king of fish. It’s just a spectacular creature.” Vigfússon is a veteran business exec — the Icelandic brand Icy Vodka is one of his enterprises — and he’s now using his negotiating savvy to protect the iconic North […]