Wal-Mart wants your help:

We are trying something new at Wal-Mart…amidst the crazy fast, rapidly growing space of clean/green technologies we have found it pretty difficult to do two things:

1. Find the technologies that we should be implementing and
2. Be sure those that we know about are the best options with the most business potential and positive environmental impact.

With this in mind, we’ve decided to partner with Cleantech, a very large network of the people who have the ideas and the people who have the capital to give those ideas business potential. To begin, we have identified seven initial opportunities we hope to find solutions for. These first seven areas include: harnessing wind, utilizing organic waste, utilizing household hazardous waste, improving on current forklift battery practices, finding better building materials, utilizing waste and storm water, and utilizing cooking oil waste.

Send ’em your ideas. I’m sure "your business model is intrinsically unsustainable so you should commit institutional suicide" will go right to the top of the pile!