Climate Accountability
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The Great Billboard War of 2012
Heartland’s crazy billboard featuring crazies was quickly pulled down, but climate groups are fighting fire with fire — or, in this case, billboard with billboard. Forecast the Facts came up with this lovely specimen: But Clear Channel, which apparently controls the billboard system in Chicago, was having none of it, and would not approve it. […]
Grist’s psychotronic climate billboard generator
Can't get enough of Heartland's nutso climate billboards? Neither can we. So we made our own magic billboard with an endless supply of pure truth and homespun wisdom from more notorious killers, tyrants, and psychos. Give it a spin!
Nine out of 10 psychos agree: Heartland’s bonkers climate billboards need company!
The Heartland Institute's billboard campaign linking belief in climate change to mass murder and global genocide ended way too soon! We're remedying that. Herewith, more psychos and maniacs share moments of zen and proven wisdom.
The anatomy of denial: Why truth doesn’t always win
Bombarding deniers with more evidence is a losing strategy. If facts threaten someone’s self-identity or their worldview, they will find a way to dismiss them.
Climate denier campaigns have zero impact on belief in global warming
It’s hard sometimes to ignore climate deniers: They’re so wrong! About everything! But the biggest impact they seem to be having is just that: annoying environmentalists. Denialist campaigns have had little influence on the 30 percent of people who are skeptical about climate science, ABC News reports. The one thing that does change those people’s […]
Tennessee passes anti-climate, anti-evolution ‘education’ bill
The state legislature passed a bill saying that if "science" "teachers" don't personally believe in evolution or climate change, they're free to represent them to students as kooky conjecture.
GM customers are pissed about company’s Heartland connection
One of the damning Heartland Foundation documents from a few weeks ago revealed the name of the climate-denial think tank’s major donors. One of them: A foundation connected to General Motors. Oops. Heartland’s not exactly the sort of friend that a company like GM wants to be seen with in public, especially since it’s trying […]
Economist smacks down skeptics for misreading his research
William D. Nordhaus — economist, Yale professor, serious person — has taken to a serious publication, The New York Review of Books, to put the smackdown on climate skeptics. The back story: Nordhaus has done working analysis of the economic impacts of implementing climate policies. In that awful Wall Street Journal op-ed we wrote about […]
Heartland ‘expert’ taught climate denialism at a Canadian university
Hey, remember yesterday, when we told you about a video that imagines a world in which climate skepticism is taught in schools? It turns out that that world is not imaginary — not at all. It exists today, and it is named … Canada. For two years, Tom Harris, a man who according to the […]
Terrifying video envisions a world where education is anti-science
Step for a moment into this chilling alternative reality, in which fine young men and women believe “gravity is just a theory” and “cigarettes aren’t addictive”: The video is from the Climate Reality Project, Al Gore’s current climate-change fighting outfit. What do y’all find the most terrifying moment? I lose it around “Scientists are, like, […]