Dearest readers,

dirt!I’m giving away DVDs of Dirt! The Movie signed by the directors to eight lucky readers. Narrated by Jamie Lee Curtis, the film is a glorious ode to the “living skin of the Earth” we so often taken for granted—an homage to dirt, if you will. All you have to do is let me know in the comments below how you use dirt. What is dirt to you? Is it the compost in your outdoor bin? Is it a badge of honor worn under your nails after a day of gardening? Is it what your indoor tomato plant calls its home?

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I’ll pick eight winners at random when the contest closes Wednesday at 5 p.m. PDT.

And whether you win the goods or not, you can check out my interview with one of the film’s directors Bill Benenson to get a taste of Dirt!. And you can see what my pal Jennifer Prediger had to say about the movie when she saw it at the Environmental Film Festival.
