BP offshore oil strike board game

Back in the ’70s, BP decided to market a family board game by the name of “Offshore Oil Strike,” boasting the “thrills of drilling” as well as the “hazards and rewards.” I mean, Monopoly worked out pretty well for the Wall Street tycoons even in the midst of the Great Depression, right?

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On the other hand, if you drew one of the game’s Hazard Cards, even little Suzy could probably predict what might happen in the Gulf of Mexico one day: “Blow-out! Rig damaged. Oil slick clean-up costs. Pay $1 million.”

It appears the BP execs who lacked the foresight to oversee proper rig safety measures in the Gulf also lacked the foresight to predict an offshore oil-drilling board game might be a losing proposition. Otherwise they might have decided the game should not pass “Go.”

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Unsurprisingly, the game “was not popular at the time of its release.” I don’t foresee that changing any time soon.

Via Mother Jones.


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