HuffPo and Re-Nest both have roundups of Earth Day free sh*t and deals, and the implication is clear: The best way to celebrate the Earth is to CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME. This is hella depressing. Some places are offering free shipping as their Earth Day deal, which … just go away, I will be over here under this desk.
A few celebratory freebies we will get behind:
- A free-today app that helps you eat local may require an energy-hog iPhone (or Android phone), but it can also help you green your lifestyle, not just today but permanently.
- New York City is announcing a number of green initiatives, including free rain barrels for outer borough residents.
- Admission to all national parks is free not just today, but for the rest of the weekend. Okay, that's not specifically for Earth Day, it's for National Parks Week, but hey: It means you can actually go out and enjoy the Earth.