Oil has reached New Zealand beaches, after an oil tanker ran into a reef last week. The tanker was carrying 1,700 tons of oil and 200 tons of diesel.

All these attacks on obscure regulations about boilers and concrete might seem boring, but in reality, they're part of a campaign that could destroy decades of environmental progress.

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Europeans think that climate change is one of the top two issues facing the globe. (Although the No. 1 concern was a sort of Voltronesque mega-problem: poverty, hunger, and lack of drinking water.)

Rick Perry used to be against ethanol, but now he's in Iowa, so … he's not sure what he thinks.

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In Namibia, wildlife preservation is done cooperatively, "as though the U.S. government said to the people who live around Yellowstone National Park, 'You know what? All those wild animals in the park — the grizzlies, the bison, the wolves — they belong to you.'" That might not go so well in Wyoming, but in Namibia, it's working.

The drought in the Amazon released billions of tons of carbon into the atmosphere.

The Department of Defense goes all soft and mushy over a threatened butterfly species. Oh, no, wait, it's environmental laws that made them protect the checkerspot butterfly.