Cleveland is one of those ailing American cities constantly held up as an example of the country's decline. But The New York Times has taken a look at a revitalization plan the city's been working on and found that, in one uptown area at least, the city is actually growing.
And the drivers of that expansion are (drumroll, please) transit and smart growth. One of the first projects the city invested in when it was starting out was a bus rapid transit line from the city's downtown to the uptown University Circle. With 12 million riders in three years, the BRT line is working. Now, the city is investing in a more expensive endeavor — moving two rail stops into more walking-convenient locations.
At the same time, Cleveland has put in mixed-use residential buildings and walkable streets. There's even a pedestrian plaza designed by the guy who did the High Line. A slew of universities, health centers, and cultural institutions are within walking distance. And there's going to be a Marriott. Anyone fancy a visit?