You have passionate feelings about sea turtles and are dying to discuss the above-mentioned article with someone — but your coworkers (or spouse or parents or children) think you’re utterly insane and would rather talk about the Diamondbacks. What’s a loquacious environmentalist to do? Announcing The Gristmill, Grist Magazine’s brand-spankin’-new discussion forum, where you can grind your axe, vent your spleen, ask that burning question, pat us on the back, and generally talk to each other about whatever environmental issues are on your mind (not just sea turtles). Thanks to informed and interested readers like yourself, The Gristmill is about to become (we guarantee it) the authoritative space for defining the issues and strategies of a new wave of environmentalism. Pack some food for thought and come join us in The Gristmill, only on the Grist Magazine website.