We’ll just say that again: It’s raining spiders in Brazil. (We’d go on to say “arachnophobes, stop reading now,” but realistically that’s unnecessary, as it’s hard to read Grist List while you’re in a fetal position under your desk with your eyes squeezed shut.)

You can see it for yourself, if you can handle the creeping shivers that will run down your spine:

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Spiders like these live in colonies of thousands. THOUSANDS. And they make gigantic webs — webs more than nine feet in diameter. NINE FEET.

That’s what you’re seeing here: several thousand spiders and their incredibly large web, from which many of them are falling onto the ground.

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Apparently, it’s pretty normal for this to happen with this type of spider, if “normal” is truly a word you can apply here.

But, yah. We’re glad it doesn’t happen anywhere near us. One spider at a time is all we can deal with.