GlobalWarmingCensoredCoverI’m sure there’s at least a chapter devoted to the two decades of TV broadcasts in which, no matter how irrelevant the context, the words “global” or “climate” or “change” or “warm” were inextricably linked to the words “scientists disagree.”


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Instead, they offer us John Coleman’s Medienkritik:

Coleman told an audience at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change on March 3 in New York that he is highly critical of global warming alarmism.

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“The Weather Channel had great promise, and that’s all gone now because they’ve made every mistake in the book on what they’ve done and how they’ve done it and it’s very sad,” Coleman said. “It’s now for sale and there’s a new owner of The Weather Channel will be announced — several billion dollars having changed hands in the near future. Let’s hope the new owners can recapture the vision and stop reporting the traffic, telling us what to think and start giving us useful weather information.”

John Coleman, providing useful information in a place where the weather can change from a comfortable day at the beach to a comfortable day at the beach in an instant: