Are you yella?
Kids driving you crazy? Steer ’em onto this trike: the louder they scream, the farther away they’ll go.
The shitty by the bay
San Franciscans will flush with pride when they honor the nation’s Number One with a building that filters their number two. The soon-to-be George W. Bush Sewage Plant is adjacent to the S.F. Zoo — perhaps a Dick Cheney Duck Pond is in order?
Upwardly mobile
For sale: Beautiful rotating home in premium Dubai location. Eighty-story shape-shifting skyscraper feeds turbine power back to the grid. Constantly changing view! Yours for only $36 million, plus cost of nausea medication.
Image: dynamicarchitecture.net
A call to arms
If we had a band, we would call it Recycled Socktopus. And if we had a recycled socktopus, well, we’d buy one for everyone in the band.
Photo: friendsofsocktopus.com
Let’s bounce
We’re all aware of the power of breasts — but could you actually produce juice from those melons? Sure, says one expert: “It’s just a matter of finding the sweet spot.” Indeed.
Photo: enlighted.com