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  • Snake Bites

    The Lower Snake River in Washington state was declared the most endangered waterway in the U.S. today by the environmental group American Rivers. Others in the group’s annual list of the most endangered rivers included the Missouri, the Ventura in California, and the Copper in Alaska. The Snake made the top of the list because […]

  • Go With the Phloem

    Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman recommended on Friday that President Clinton give national monument status to 355,000 acres of national forest in California’s Sierra Nevadas, a move that would safeguard about half of the giant sequoia groves remaining in the U.S. Federal policy already forbids the cutting of massive sequoias, but Glickman suggested that logging of […]

  • Pope Denounces Chinese Trade … Carl Pope, That Is

    The Sierra Club today launched a campaign to defeat the U.S.-China trade pact that the Clinton administration is trying to push through Congress. Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope made the announcement by the side of AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, as the labor federation gears up for a rally against the deal on Capitol Hill, […]

  • I Should Have Had a G-8!

    Environmental ministers from the world’s eight leading industrialized nations ended a conference in Japan yesterday without agreeing on a deadline for ratifying the Kyoto climate change agreement. The European Union and Japan want the treaty ratified by 2002, while the U.S. and Canada resisted any specific timeframe for ratification. The chief U.S. representative, W. Michael […]

  • Taint Nuthin'

    Environmentalists joined labor unions and Washington state officials in celebrating their victory this weekend after thwarting plans to unload and temporarily store 110 tons of toxic waste in Seattle. A ship carrying PCB-tainted waste from U.S. military bases in Japan arrived in the Port of Seattle last week, and the U.S. Defense Department attempted to […]

  • Dave Harris, UC Berkeley Earth Week organizer

    Dave Harris has spent his school year organizing for Earth Week 2000 at University of California, Berkeley, where he is a student. Monday, 10 Apr 2000 BERKELEY, Calif. It’s 5:45 in the morning. I’m possibly the only person awake in my eight-story dormitory. My roommate is definitely asleep. I’ve been up all night piecing together […]

  • A Flash of Insight

    Well, there she is. Sleek and silver, dealer plates still on, got her two days ago. Seventy miles per gallon, 700 miles a fill-up. So they say. Last time I bought a new car — a 1987 Honda Civic wagon that got 35 mpg at its best — I swore I’d keep it until I […]

  • Orgy-porgy, Ford and Fun

    Ford Motor Co. yesterday became the first U.S. automaker to commit to producing a gas-electric hybrid vehicle, a version of its Ford Escape SUV that the company says will hit the market by 2003. Ford estimates that the hybrid Escape will get about 40 miles per gallon, compared to 20-28 mpg for the conventional Escape. […]

  • How to make your home an eco-friendly haven

    Last spring, I met with a real-estate agent and listened while she told me about the kind of house I should buy. A new house, she advised, with all new appliances and the latest innovations in wiring, plumbing, and heating -- maybe even a condo. My horrified expression stopped her mid-sentence. Actually, I explained dreamily, I'm looking for an older home with charm and quirky character. I want big windows, hardwood floors, and a garden.